Environment, Climate, and Legacy
Regular Meeting Schedule: Room 1150 Minnesota Senate Bldg.
Tuesday and Thursday 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Assistant Majority Leader
Ranking Minority Member

Assistant Minority Leader

Minority Whip

Assistant Majority Leader

Committee Staff
Committee Administrator: Kara Josephson 651.296.7891 Kara.Josephson@senate.mn
Legislative Assistant – Chair: Maikao Vue 651.296.5285 Maikao.Vue@senate.mn
Legislative Assistant – Vice Chair: Jack.Fischer 651.296.4188 Jack.Fischer@senate.mn
Counsel: Ben Stanley 651.296.4793 :Ben.Stanley@senate.mn
Fiscal Analyst: Daniel Mueller 651.296.7680 :Daniel.Mueller@senate.mn